Settling a young person into supported accommodation requires careful planning, emotional support, and practical assistance. In collaboration with therapeutic professionals, our support staff, and local authorities, we have developed an effective placement model that supports young people in moving from residential care, foster care, or family settings as seamlessly and successfully as possible.
​At Priestgate Home Care, from the moment of referral, we collaborate with relevant stakeholders in formulating appropriate pathways for young people towards transitioning to adulthood. We also collaborate closely with our young people, their families and their placement teams to safeguard our individuals' well-being and deliver exceptional care and support that meets their learning, development, and safeguarding needs.
We recognise that care placements are often required at short notice. Therefore, when necessary and if we have the capacity, we do consider emergency referrals, provided they meet specific criteria. We offer a round the clock emergency referral service and strive to determine whether a placement is possible upon receiving the initial request.
When evaluating an emergency referral, we request additional information to ensure a suitable match with our current residents. Once a placement is agreed, we aim to hold a placement meeting as soon as the young person arrives at the home, where a pathway plan will be developed in collaboration with the social worker and the young person.
Please note: Emergency admissions outside of regular hours can only be arranged via telephone, as emails are not continuously monitored during weekends or evenings. For out-of-hours service, contact us on: 07737 959010.
A multidisciplinary team of experts from health, education, and social care review the referral information, conducting thorough assessments to determine whether our services can adequately meet the unique needs of the young person. Additionally, the team assesses whether the individual would be a suitable match to live alongside the current residents in our care.
Whenever possible, we arrange orientation visits to our supported accommodation for the young person and their accompanying adults prior to placement. We also hold meetings with relevant professionals and stakeholders to ensure the following:
Initial risk assessments are in place before placement starts.
All necessary reports and documentation are provided.
A shared understanding of the young person’s health, safety, educational, and emotional needs.
Preliminary assessments are completed before the placement begins.
A mutually agreed transition plan is established.
Continued support or proper transition of external agency involvement.
Once the placement begins, a placement planning meeting is held within the required timeframe, and a formal placement plan is developed in collaboration with the assigned social worker.
We understand the time pressures placement officers often face and are committed to ensuring efficient coordination throughout the referral process, working to avoid unnecessary delays in sharing information or making key decisions.
Our approach:
Pre-transition planning: We assess the young person's needs, involve them in decisions, and arrange familiarisation visits if required.
Emotional support: We assign a key-worker, maintain open communication, and allow for a gradual transition.
Practical support: We provide orientation, life skills training, and help establish routines.
Sense of belonging: We encourage personalisation of their space, social integration, and community engagement.
Health and wellbeing: We ensure access to health services and promote emotional wellbeing.
Boundaries and responsibility: We set clear house rules and gradually encourage responsibility.
Ongoing monitoring: We regularly check in on progress and adjust support as needed.
Outcomes Star Tool: Our goal is to utilise this tool to support and track progress, enabling us to unlock the potential of our young people, staff, and organisation.
Future planning: We help the young person set goals and prepare for more independent living by carrying out their statutory reviews in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders, within set time scales.
This holistic approach ensures a smooth transition and promotes long-term success in supported accommodation.