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About Us

Colleagues Working in Office


At Priestgate Home Care, our core values are rooted in creating positive outcomes and transforming young lives. We believe that every young person deserves to grow up feeling safe and supported in an environment that fosters happiness. This is where we step in by creating a safe place for young people and providing high-quality, tailored support that sustains the health and wellbeing of young people.


Priestgate Home Care offers homes to young people facing emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD), neurodevelopmental difficulty as well as mild to moderate learning disabilities. Our services also cater for unaccompanied asylum seekers. We collaborate closely with specialist education providers, therapeutic professionals, and local authorities to develop individualised, person-centred support plans in supporting young people in overcoming their challenges, building their confidence, and seizing meaningful life opportunities.


At Priestgate Home Care, we are committed to creating positive outcomes and transforming young lives. This is the heart of our values. Every young person deserves to grow up feeling safe and supported, surrounded by happiness.


Our goal is to help young people build confidence, seize life's opportunities, set positive life goals, make informed decisions, and be able to navigate the challenges they encounter on their journey to independence.


Our mission is to provide that safe space for young people to thrive, have strong, trusting, and meaningful relationships within their support system and can rely on the adults around them.

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